Aston Magna Foundation for Music and the Humanities

Great Barrington, Ma, Usa
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Our missionSponsors educational programs that bring to communities the study of music and other arts of the 17th, 18th, and early 19th centuries and organize performances at various concert halls.
COVID-19 Impact
Aston Magna Suspends 2020 Season; August May Bring Performance Opportunities

Aston Magna Suspends 2020 Season; August May Bring Performance Opportunities

Aston Magna Foundation for Music and the Humanities

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How you helpSupport from individuals, foundations, government agencies and others is critical to our ability to offer the highest quality performances in several venues in MA and NYS.
About usAston Magna Music Festival is the nation's longest-running summer festival of early music, performed on period instruments by masters of the early music genre.
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