Our mission | Hold community owned land for homes, farms and businesses to ensure permanent access, control, affordability and stewardship. |
Community Land Trust in the Southern Berkshires/ Berkshire Community Land Trust
About us | A community land trust is a management tool for sustainable place-based communities. It enables people to balance land wealth in private control with community requirements for land. Food security, a productive workforce, energy independence and a robust local economy depend on access to land. A community land trust holds community-owned land to ensure permanent access, control, affordability and stewardship of land for homes, farms and businesses. A sustainable place-based community needs to manage growth, protect ecosystems and maintain a safety net through democratic processes that cultivate diversity. This is the process of place-making. Today, communities that have been weakened by the forces of the global economy are developing ways to re-localize producers and consumers, businesses and jobs, skills and resources. Their evolution to more balanced ways of living builds their resilience. |
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