Our mission

Supports and prioritizes responsible production and consumption, wherein community members rely on the land and each other to fulfill the basic needs of food, culture, clothing, shelter, and energy.


Help the Local Economy

Our local economy needs our help. Berkshire businesses are doing everything possible to meet the needs of their customers while keeping their staff employed and all community members safe. Now is the time to show up and support our local businesses and their employees!

How can you help?
. Order takeout or delivery from a local restaurant. And tip generously!
. Purchase a gift certificate to a local store.
. Utilize a local business’s online shopping platform.

  • Occasional
  • Teens, 55+, Adults
  • Individuals, Groups (2-10), Families
  • Indoor
  • None
  • Weekdays, Evenings, Weekends

No matches for criteria.

How you help

The success of BerkShares is in the hands of the local community – literally. The simplest (and most important) way to get involved is to exchange some federal money for BerkShares and start using them!

About us

BerkShares, Inc. is the place-based, democratically structured non-profit organization that issues BerkShares, a local currency for the Berkshire Region. BerkShares, Inc. works in collaboration with participating local banks, local businesses, and local non-profit organizations to strengthen the Berkshire regional economy through a local currency program and related pursuits.