High Spirit Community Farm, Inc.

142 Seekonk Cross Rd, Great Barrington, Ma 01230, Usa
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Our missionHigh Spirit Community Farm fulfills an essential need for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities by providing meaningful work, a dignified home and a rich social and cultural life.

High Spirit Community Farm, Inc.

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How you helpEach September we welcome a new group of volunteers. Our volunteers come to us from all over the world, creating diverse households in which we grow and learn from one another. These young people come to live and work with people with disabilities, learning practical skills with numerous applications.
About usHigh Spirit Community Farm was founded by a group of families seeking a healthful, joyful and supportive community for their young adult children with significant special needs. We wanted our children to receive quality care and to participate in a meaningful manner in the world around them. We knew that there were limited options where they could have such a life.
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