Our mission | Dedicated to protecting the land essential to Sheffield's natural, scenic, agricultural and rural character through a program of stewardship and by working with landowners, farmers and other partners. |
Sheffield Land Trust
Ways to help |
VolunteerVolunteers assist with projects of interest to them and may serve on sub-committees but are not required to attend committee meetings; new volunteers may be recruited and added as volunteers by any committee member. |
How you help | Sheffield Land Trust accomplishes its work through the efforts of its Board of Directors and many volunteers. They are local residents who contribute their time and skills to manage the land trust and carry out its many activities, supplemented by three part-time staff. Volunteers and staff work together through four standing committees to achieve SLT's goals. |
About us | The Sheffield Land Trust is a member-supported non-profit organization that carries out our land conservation, stewardship and educational activities through the support of our donors, volunteers, committees, board and staff. |
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