Southern Berkshire Elderly Transportation Corporation

Our mission | To provide transportation service to those in our consortium age 55 and older or individuals of any age with a disability who are unable to transport themselves. Door-to- door service will be provided for any personal need, which will improve emotional well being and quality of life and will enhance the stability of the communities. |
About us | S.B.E.T.C. So was established in 1984 as a non-profit consortium to help the elderly and disabled persons of any age with their transportation needs for their personal needs. We are located at the Claire Teague Senior Center which is donated by the town of Gt. Barrington, which we greatly appreciate. We were established to serve the towns in our consortium: Great Barrington, (including Housatonic), Egremont (north and south), Alford, Sheffield.We provide a true door-to-door service arriving at your home, escorting you to and from the vehicle for any personal need. This includes all types of medical appointments, shopping, visiting a friend, hair appointments, pet to the vet, post office, bank, to name a few. We also provide group trips to plays, museums and other social activities. We carry in your groceries and make sure you are safely in your home.We are here to help your children, friends and caregivers who may not be able to take time off to get you where you need to go. We are a lifeline to many who may otherwise be home-bound. |