Villages of the Berkshires

Our missionVillages of the Berkshires is a locally organized nonprofit organization that enables people to age in their own home by fostering independence, a sense of security, well-being, and a meaningful life.

Villages of the Berkshires

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About usVillages provides coordination of volunteer services, resources and programs for members helping them age effectively in the diverse, multi-generational towns in which we live. We offer easy access to services from volunteers, community service providers and contractors who are recommended to us by our members.Our program allows each member and volunteer to individually decide what services they will use or provide based on their own interests and needs.Membership and Volunteer activities include Check-in Programs, Transportation, Home Assistance and Repair, Friendly Visits and Companionship, Pet care, Basical Tech Support & Assistance and so much more. We have a vetted Service Providers Resource Lists and Social Outreach Groups. This is the "little bit" of neighborly help that can keep you living at home with peace of mind.
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