29 Lewis Ave, Great Barrington, MA 01230
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Our mission

The mission of the Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) is to build strong, healthy and prepared communities by establishing teams of volunteers with and without medical and public health backgrounds who can contribute their skills and expertise throughout the year and during times of community need.



Volunteer opportunities will be shared on an as needed basis. Volunteers will be contacted with these opportunities based on the frequency, specific needs and details of incoming requests.

  • Occasional
  • Adults
  • Individuals
  • Formal
How you help

No matter what your interest, background or skill set – there is a way for you to help. Medical and Non-medical volunteers are always needed and roles and responsibilities depend on a members physical ability, interest, training and expertise. MRC volunteers staff COVID and seasonal FLU clinics, emergency evacuation shelters, and community outreach events to teach emergency preparedness. We also have specialized response teams to help children, seniors and animals during disasters.

About us

There are many MRC Units across the country and several in Western MA. The Franklin MRC was founded in 2003 to serve 26 communities in Franklin County, Massachusetts. Our unit consists of more than 300 volunteers in medical and support roles. The Berkshire MRC serves 32 communities in Berkshire County and has more than 400 volunteers. Our deployment-ready volunteers participate in required core trainings, drills and exercises as well as on-going courses of interest defined by the group. Both MRC Units work with local boards of health to dispense information about emergency preparedness and recovery. All MRC volunteers are trained and ready to support the existing emergency management and public health infrastructure in a disaster situation. Hundreds of MRC Volunteers have worked thousands of hours supporting the COVID-19 Response.