Mass Audubon Pleasant Valley

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Mass Audubon Pleasant Valley

472 W Mountain Rd, Lenox, MA 01240
Phone 413-637-0320
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Our mission

To protect the nature of Massachusetts for people and for wildlife.



We have dozens of fun and educational volunteer opportunities around the state, from trail maintenance and visitor services to gardening and marketing and beyond. Have an impact on the environment by volunteering at one of our wildlife sanctuaries or at Mass Audubon headquarters in Lincoln.

  • One-time, Occasional, Weekly
  • Teens, Adults
  • Individuals, Groups (2-10)
  • Outdoor

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About us

Set amidst more than 1,400 lush acres in the Berkshires, Pleasant Valley’s varied trails wind through forests, meadows, wetlands, and along the slopes of Lenox Mountain, making this site an excellent location for easy-to-strenuous hiking. While exploring, there’s a good chance you will see evidence of the sanctuary’s most visible wildlife resident, the beaver, via dams, dens, or lodges.