Berkshire Natural Resources Council

Our mission | To protect and preserve the natural beauty and ecological integrity of the Berkshires for public benefit and enjoyment. |
Opportunities |
How you help | ‘+ Contact BNRC to learn about conserving your land + Donate at + Volunteer to work on a trail, monitor a property, or help in the office + Participate in a BNRC group outing to learn more about the Berkshire outdoors and connect with others. |
About us | With its supporters, BNRC works throughout Berkshire County to conserve open space, protect wildlife habitat, preserve local agriculture, and make it easy for everyone to get outside and stay well in nature. Thanks to donors and volunteers, BNRC has directly conserved and cares for over 23,000 acres, and assists towns and state agencies on many other conservation projects too. Across the county, BNRC’s 56 reserves are open to the public, every day, for free, from dawn to dusk. These feature over 60 miles of trails, and provide for a variety of non-motorized outdoor recreation: hiking, fishing, mountain biking, paddling, dog walking, birding, skiing, hunting, horseback riding, snowshoeing, picnicking, photography, and more. Typically, BNRC staff lead free guided group outings several times per month, year-round. Use the free BNRC Berkshire Trails app to plan your adventures! |