To enhance the quality of life for youth as participating members of a richly diverse society.

To assist individuals and families in making the economic, psychological and cultural adjustment to a new land, not only by meeting basic needs, but also by helping them to become active participants in our community.

At ExtraSpecialTeas, we will always be committed each and everyday to inspiring a future where everyone with intellectual or developmental challenges GET THAT THEY MATTER AND FEEL THEY BELONG TO THEIR COMMUNITY.

To empower women with intellectual disabilities to lead enviable lives through residential and community-based day services.

To enrich the lives of people of all ages and abilities by providing positive life experiences and advocacy through distinctive, individualized, quality service.

To be a coeducational program that offers year-round, seven-days-a week services as well as support and guidance in community living, oversight of medical needs and direction in occupational and volunteer pursuits.

To advance the independence, productivity and full community participation of children and adults with all physical and developmental disabilities.

Promoting Justice by making legal representation more affordable for more people.