LitNet Impact on Organization
We know that this has been a terribly difficult time for so many, and our hearts go out to everyone who has lost family, friends, or colleagues, and to those who have faced financial hardship due to the pandemic. The toll, which has been so exacting and stressful on every level imaginable, remains paramount in our thoughts and takes priority over any other part of this letter, as we send my sincerest well wishes to you.
LitNet is evolving as it remains committed to delivering our educational programs:
One-on-One tutoring: LitNet is continuing to provide guidance for our corps of over 150 volunteer tutors on how they can continue to stay connected with their students. The members of LitNet’s Education Committee reached out to each of LitNet’s volunteers and were overwhelmed with how fortunate we are to have such an incredibly strong student/tutor network. The vast majority of our tutors remain in close contact with their students and for all those who are able to connect virtually, our work continues.
Staff: Leigh Doherty, former Associate Head of School at Berkshire Country Day School has been newly appointed as Program Director, a position recently created to ensure that LitNet’s essential service of delivering one-to-one English language tutoring can continue during the COVID-19 pandemic. Ms. Doherty will be engaged in sustaining existing student-tutor relationships, providing support for tutors needing help with curriculum or materials and overseeing the Matthew and Hannah Keator Family Citizenship Scholarship.
In-Depth Analysis: LitNet’s Board of Directors has commissioned Ms. Doherty to conduct a an in-depth report focusing on how LitNet can assure its sustainability for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. The paper will frame current challenges, report on leading edge trends in teaching, and recommend alternative strategies for LitNet to ensure that LitNet is able to continue to safely provide free individualized reading, writing and English language instruction, GED studies and US Citizenship test preparation to adult learners.
Partnerships: We continue to work closely with our community partners to ensure that the most vulnerable individuals and families in Berkshire County remain safe, informed and knowledgeable about the resources available to them.
We consider ourselves very fortunate at LitNet - we continue to maintain our strong network of volunteer tutors, who even in these challenging circumstances remain dedicated and in contact with their students. No one knows what the future will bring, but I do know that LitNet remains strong and its Board remains dedicated to serving the needs of our community.