Remote Learning Assistance
A Coalition of Humanities Non-Profits offering remote-learning sites for students to get academic support and cultural enrichment for 2020-2021
A coalition of Berkshire non-profits has teamed up to provide three community based sites to offer students in need of care and assistance with remote learning during the pandemic support and enrichment opportunities safely in person. Programs will serve students in grades K-8 and children may attend 2 – 3 days per week on the days they are not scheduled to be at their schools for hybrid-learning. The program will be staffed by childcare professionals, informal educators, and enrichment specialists. Mask-wearing, social distancing, hygiene, and health screening protocols will be followed.
Application is open to everyone with a student enrolled in Southern Berkshire or Berkshire Hills Regional School Districtl. Cohorts will be created in partnership with SBRSD, BHRSD, and Volunteers in Medicine. Priority will be given to students whom the schools identify as needing more remote learning support, who do not have an adult at home to support remote learning, and to children of educators/ frontline workers.
This program will be held at the following sites:
Berkshire South Regional Community Center (Beginning 9/14/2020)
15 Crissey Road
Great Barrington, MA
April Hill Education and Conservation Center (Beginning 9/14/2020)
62 N Undermountain Road
South Egremont, MA
Please note, at this time there is no bus transportation and participants will need to bring their own lunch and snacks even if they normally receive free or reduced lunch.
Many procedures and precautions will be taken to decrease the risk of the spread of Covid-19, including daily health screenings (administered by families BEFORE they come to the program and reported confidentially to coalition staff members), social distancing and the use of face masks, frequent hand washing and sanitizing of shared surfaces, and running activities outdoors or in sheltered spaces that are open to the air. Children will be placed in small, multi-age groups and will stay with the same educator and assistant. Specialists and mentors will engage with students using masks and social distancing.
Families will need to sign the coalition’s Family Agreement and commit to abide by safety protocols reducing the risk of the spread of the coronavirus. In order to diminish risk and create a safe environment for play, learning, and creativity, we will all need to work together in a new way.